Utah Centennial Studies


Ghost Riders and Rest Stops Packet B



Dear Students,

Wanship Station was located where Silver Creek flows into the Weber River in Summit County. It was built in 1861 by Aaron Daniels about a half mile north of present day Wanship City. Daniels was something of a character. He was an early mormon convert and participated in the explorations from Utah Valley to Fort Bridger. The town of Daniels and Daniels Canyon in Heber Valley are named for him. At 63 years of age he married an Indian girl. He was interested in prospecting and sometimes worked the Lost Rhoades mine and other old Spanish mines.

The old station was in continuous use until the motor car replaced the horse. It then became a private home. It was torn down in 1912 but a historic marker on the abandoned highway between Wanship and Hoystsvillle marks its site.