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GIS: Using USDA Soil Mapping Data


USDA SSURGO data, or soil mapping data can provide a wealth of local data for GIS lessons and projects. This ArcLesson contains instructions to help obtain and prepare the data, and sample lessons using the data.


Background for Teachers

These lessons, Illinois-dekalb and dinosaur are examples of the types of lessons which may be developed from SSURGO data. They should be used as guides to help instructors develop locally applied GIS projects for their students.

The methods and procedures for obtaining and preparing SSURGO data are found in the "SSURGO Data in ArcView.pdf"

The lessons here are for advanced students. They are project based, they results may vary from those illustrated.

Notes about the specific lessons are included as Illinois-dekalb.txt, and dinolesson.txt

Instructional Procedures

Title: Using Soil Maps to Assess Site Suitability

Lesson development date: January


Copyright © 1999 ESRI Canada

Created: 07/26/2004
Updated: 01/25/2018