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Cultural Lit. 38: Tribal Restoration & Reorganization

Time Frame

1 class periods of 60 minutes each


Utah LessonPlans


Students will: List the main events in historical sequence of Tribal Restoration and Reorganization after receiving direct instruction, reading selected texts and working in group structures, within 1 class period.


1. Waldman, Carl and Braun, Molly. (Eds.) 2000. Atlas of the North American Indian. Facts on File.
2. Navajo Timelines: 1941-1969; and, 1970 to present.
3. Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock. 2001. Classroom Instruction that Works. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
4. Stephens, E. and Brown, J. 2000. A Handbook of Content Literacy Strategies. Norwood, MA: Christopher Gordon.
5. Journal or notebook.

Instructional Procedures

Anticipatory Set:
Post the names and words 'Franklin Roosevelt, Johnson O'Malley, BIA, WWII' on the board, on a flipchart or on a projection device and ask the class if they are familiar with these agencies, laws, historic figures and events. Conduct a collective brainstorming session (utilizing group structures) and add the generated vocabulary words to posted ones. Allow students to postulate their understanding of words and concepts.

1. Instructor will read aloud, while students follow along, from Waldman, p. 219 Tribal Restoration and Reorganization. Hand out or project figure 7.1, Indian Land Claims in the United States, on page 220 for reference during reading.

2. Students will take notes (see Marzano, Pickering and Pollock p. 46, Informal Outline) while following along and listening to reader.

3. Utilizing group structures instructor will ask students to identify a present-day American Indian experience or phenomenon as a result of Tribal Restoration and Reorganization laws (refer also to Navajo Timelines). Students will record ideas in their journals (see Stephens & Brown--Content Journal, p. 28) and report to class from groups.

Assessment Plan

Students will take notes utilizing note-taking frames to list main events in historical sequence and record in their journals their ideas and personal opinions regarding Restoration and Reorganization.

Created: 01/29/2005
Updated: 02/04/2018