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Atom or Molecule?

Main Core Tie

SEEd - Grade 6
Strand 6.2: ENERGY AFFECTS MATTER Standard 6.2.1

Time Frame

1 class periods of 15 minutes each

Group Size



Utah LessonPlans


Students will use what they know about atoms & molecules to decide whether an example is an atom or a molecule.


Instructional Procedures

  1. Review with students the definitions of atoms & molecules. Have them write it in their own words on the student sheet.
  2. Have them predict whether each example is an atom or a molecule based on what they know.
  3. Label one side of your room "atom" and one "molecule". Ask students to stand and walk to the side of the room for each molecule. Have students standing on the correct side tell why they chose that side.
  4. For the student identified substances, allow them to make predictions and look up the substance on the internet either at school or at home. If computers are not available, use a projector and classroom computer to show students how to search for their substances and assign it for homework.

Assessment Plan

  • Explaining the difference between atom & molecule ----------- 4 pts
  • Each substance labeled correctly --------------------- 1 pt each
  • 3 substances are listed and identified --------------------- 6 pts


Lesson Design by Jordan School District Teachers and Staff.

Created: 09/29/2014
Updated: 02/05/2018