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Junk Box Collection

Time Frame

1 class periods of 60 minutes each

Group Size

Small Groups


Utah LessonPlans


Students in small groups or individually will practice creating classification trees and keys using small prepared collects of "found" objects.


  • sets of collections of 10 objects in small containers, such as 10 refrigerator magnets, 10 metal cars, 10 things from a junk drawer, 10 nails and screws, etc.
  • paper

Student Prior Knowledge

Classification techniques to create a classification tree and key

Instructional Procedures

  1. Before the class, prepare the sets of 10 items. You can use things from home, out of stock room items, or office supplies. The items do not have to be related, but there should be at least minor differences in the items so students have some way to differentiate between them. (Pennies can be boring, but they are usable.) Pass out sets to student groups. The best group is twos or threes, four students on one set is too many. Students should use their own paper to create a classification tree and key. Each student should fill out his or her own sheet because by this time, the collection project is getting close and they need to have examples that they can use as they work on their collections at home.
  2. If time permits, have the students classify several sets of items and, over their shoulders, spot check their papers in between. You can also have them get together with other groups that classified the same set and compare their keys.

Assessment Plan

Scoring guide:
Check each student's tree to make sure each branch ends with one item, there are no loose branches that do not attach to the rest of the tree, and that there are ten complete branches. Give full credit if the tree is generally correct.

Take off 25% for major problems in the way the tree is constructed. Check the key to make sure that the two choices for each number are related (choice/not choice, or choice/opposite choice, as required), there are a total of nine choice sets, and for each row, there is a number, letter, choice, and consequence.

Take off 25% for major problems in the way the key is constructed.


Lesson Design by Jordan School District Teachers and Staff.

Created: 10/07/2014
Updated: 02/05/2018