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Biography of Carl Linnaeus

Time Frame

1 class periods of 70 minutes each

Group Size

Small Groups


Utah LessonPlans


Students will read an article about a scientist that made contributions to the information in this standard.



  • copies of the reading (attached)
  • markers
  • paper or adding machine tape

Background for Teachers

A number of literacy strategies are suggested that could be used to assist students to understand the reading.

Instructional Procedures

Strategy 1

  1. Ask students to create a 3 column list where as they read they write down what they know about Linnaeus, what they learned and what his discoveries were. K-W-L
  2. Ask students to volunteer to share their work.

Strategy 2

  1. Give students different color highlighter markers and have them highlight the education Linnaeus received in one color, his work experiences in another and his contributions to science in another.
  2. Students can compare their work by looking at the color patterns.

Strategy 3

  1. Tell students they are friends of Linnaeus at his funeral. Each of them will speak about him. Give them a few minutes to prepare as groups and write down several things they would say.
  2. Select one member from each group to come to the front of the room. Each participant should read one comment and if time permits, a second.

Strategy 4

Ask students to create a timeline of Linnaeus life. Give them a piece of paper or adding machine tape to make it on.

Strategy 5

Ask the students to write a short essay on what the world would be like if the discoveries made by Linneaus had not been made. They can share them in small groups and pick one to read to the class.

Strategy 6

Ask students to write sentences about the most impressive thing about Linneaus and the thing they liked least.


Lesson Design by Jordan School District Teachers and Staff.

Created: 10/07/2014
Updated: 02/05/2018