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Internet Waves

Time Frame

1 class periods of 60 minutes each

Group Size



Utah LessonPlans


Students will use an interactive website to discover the principals of waves. This can be done as a class activity with a single computer or an individual or group activity for students.


  • student worksheet (attached)
  • classroom computer for pairs of students or teacher computer with projector, student worksheet

Instructional Procedures

  1. Frontloading: Use a long slinky or heavy rope and have two students send waves to each other in the front of the room. Ask the students what they are sending on the rope. Be sure the class understands that one student is sending the other student energy. Ask questions like: If the student sending the waves sends them faster or larger in amplitude, what happens to the amount of energy needed?
  2. Have the student receiving the wave close their eyes and say whether they think the wave has more or less energy. Ask them how they know.
  3. Begin the computer animation Wave on a String and allow students to work through the worksheet.
  4. Compare student answers and see which students got all the wave parts correctly labeled. Have them draw and label their wave on the board.
  5. If time allows, this website may be used to learn more about sound waves Sound Waves Introduction


Lesson Design by Jordan School District Teachers and Staff.

Created: 10/29/2014
Updated: 02/03/2018