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Color Schemes

Main Core Tie

Interior Design 1
Strand 4 Standard 1

Time Frame

1 class periods of 90 minutes each


Esther Larson


This lesson plan includes a variety of activities to teach color schemes including a paint chip sort, a PowerPoint presentation, and a Jelly Belly activity.


  • Paint chips from a paint store
  • The Color Scheme PowerPoint
  • The note taker
  • Jelly Bellys
  • Jelly Belly check-off sheet

Intended Learning Outcomes

After the lecture on color schemes, the students will create portfolios of pictures from magazines (using examples of the color schemes) as instructed by the teacher.

Instructional Procedures

Paint Chip Sort (10 min.)
Give each student a paint chip. Have everyone stand and then group themselves according to the paint chip they have.

Hand Out: Note Taker (45 min.)

Go Through the PowerPoint (15 min)

Hand Out Jelly Bellys
(I had an aide divide the Jelly Bellys into individual bags.) Hand out the Jelly Belly sign-off sheet. Explain that the students are to create color schemes using at least 3 of the Jelly Bellys. As the teacher goes around the class and signs everyone off, he/she has a great opportunity to see who got the color schemes correct. This also allows for some individualized instruction.

Explain the Project. 20 min
Using magazines, students are to cut out pictures of rooms that portray the color schemes. The pictures must be mounted and labeled.


1. Residential Housing by Clois E. Licklighter and Joan C. Kicklighter, Copyright 1992
2. Homes Today and Tomorrow by Ruth F. Sherwood Copyright 1997
3. Interiors, an introduction by Karla J. Nielson and David A. Taylor, copyright 2002

Created: 05/01/2003
Updated: 02/04/2018