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STDs (Dat)

Main Core Tie

Adult Roles And Responsibilities
Strand 3 Standard 3

Time Frame

1 class periods of 70 minutes each




This lesson will help students be aware of the different types of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their symptoms. This is part of the Dating Unit.


Background for Teachers

The textbook used is, "Strengthening Family and Self" published by Goodheart-Willcox.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Every time you have sexual contact with another person you run the risk of getting an STD. Mutual lifetime monogamy is the most effective way to prevent getting STDs. Chlamydia is the most prevalent type of STD. Although the symptoms of most STDs disappear, the disease may still be doing damage to the body. Birth control pills do not prevent a person from contracting an STD. Most STDs can be treated; however, you can get be reinfected after treatment. Over 95% of all STDs are contracted through sexual intercourse. HIV can be transmitted through blood, vaginal secretions, and semen. A positive HIV antibody test means that the person has been infected by HIV and can transmit it. The HIV/AIDS virus must pass from one person's body fluids into another's bloodstream. There is no known cure for AIDS and herpes. AIDS can cause death. AIDS is characterized by a reduction in the white blood cell count. AIDS is contracted through intravenous drug use and/or sexual contact.

Assessment Plan


    Go to the UEN lesson plans folder and click on the lesson topic. This quiz might include questions that do not apply to the subject (they were from my concurrent enrollment textbook reading). You'll need to delete these questions.

Created: 07/16/2003
Updated: 03/31/2021