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GIS: Geography of the United States


This lesson studies the physical geographic features of the United States while helping students become familiar with the ArcVoyager or ArcView program.



  • ArcVoyager or ArcView software
  • Lesson packet (attached)
  • Computer and printer
  • The following files included on the ArcView CD-ROM
    • elev48.shp : represents the elevation of the lower 48 states
    • us_lakes.shp : represents the lakes of the United States
    • us_river.shp : represents the major rivers of the United States

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students, upon completing this lesson, will be able to:

  1. Map information about people, places, and environments.
  2. Understand the characteristics, functions, and applications of computer based geography software.
  3. Understand why people and places are located where they are.
  4. Describe relationships between people and environments.
  5. Present geographic information in a variety of formats, including maps and computer-generated models.

(This lesson would fit well into any United States geography unit, or as a single lesson on its own.)

Instructional Procedures

  1. Have students begin with Part A. Once they finish a part, they must print it.
  2. This lesson set is designed so that a student can complete one part per period if necessary, if student has time, have them complete Part B, then C, if not, they can be assigned for another class period or for homework.

Assessment Plan

PART A: (30pts)
10pts for correct data on map
10pts for having all of the necessary data on the map
10pts for organization of layout and visual appearance

PART B: (30pts)
1. 5pts
2. 5pts
3. 5pts
4. 5pts
5. 5pts
6. 5pts

PART C: (40pts)
5pts per reason/evidence given (15pts)
5pts per explanation of reason/evidence given (15pts)
5pts for organization of essay (5pts)
5pts for grammar (5pts)


Copyright © 1999 ESRI Canada

Created: 07/01/2004
Updated: 02/04/2018