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Cultural Lit. 1: Identifying the Seasons

Time Frame

2 class periods of 60 minutes each

Group Size

Small Groups


Utah LessonPlans


Students will identify the Seasons using Navajo, Ute and Spanish words.




  1. Cultural Awareness-Level Kindergarten: SJSD Media Center publication.
  2. Handout of seasons in four languages (see below)
  3. Paper, pencil, crayons.

    Background for Teachers

    Guarded Vocabulary:
    New words pre-taught/sustained in lesson:
    Weather, season, winter, spring, summer, autumn-fall

    English Navajo Ute Spanish
    Winter hai tüm7t invierno
    Spring daan tam1n primavera
    Summer sh9 tach1t verano
    Autumn aak'eed yuv1nt otoño

    Intended Learning Outcomes

    Identify Vocabulary words in English, Navajo, Ute and Spanish for the Seasons.

    Instructional Procedures

    Introduce lesson to capture student's attention:
    Teacher will walk the class outside and ask questions about the weather:
    1. What is the weather right now?
    2. What was the weather like yesterday?
    3. Can anyone tell me the name of this season?
    4. What is the typical weather of this season?

    Teacher will tell class that they are going to learn more about the seasons and learn the names of the seasons in 3 different languages-Navajo, Ute and Spanish. Teacher and students return to class.

    How can you get the students really thinking?

    With students working in pairs, teacher will name the seasons and then ask the pairs to work together and tell each other the four seasons (in English). Teacher will call on each pair to report to class. Teacher will compile student given information on the board, on a projection device or on a flip chart and discuss the answers, listing the four seasons in order from Winter to Autumn, and ask students to tell some different weather patterns of the seasons, e.g., dry, hot, cloudy, rainy, snowy, freezing. Teacher will ask students if they know the names of the seasons in Navajo, Ute and Spanish. Teacher will write on the board, a projection device, or on a flipchart, the names of the seasons in the different languages listed under the name of the language.

    Teacher Instruction:
    Teacher will name and point to or write the four seasons in English and say a typical weather pattern of the season, e.g., winter-snow, spring-thunderstorms, summer-hot, autumn-rain. Teacher will tell the students that they are going to hear and learn to recognize the names of the seasons in Navajo, Ute and Spanish. Teacher will say the names of the seasons, winter-spring-summer-autumn, in Navajo and ask the students to repeat the Navajo name. Teacher will say the names of the seasons in the same order in Ute and ask students to repeat the Ute name. Teacher will say the names of the seasons in Spanish and ask students to repeat the names (utilize building staff for pronunciations).

    Lesson could be divided into two days. Day 1- English and Navajo. Day 2-Ute and Spanish. Visiting native speakers of Navajo, Ute and Spanish could be invited to teach the pronunciations of the words.

    Using the Cultural Awareness-Level K book, teacher will read the bottom half of page 45 to students, telling the Navajo meanings of their words for the seasons.

    How will you end your lesson?.
    Student will show/present to the whole class, their drawing of the seasons, and say the name of the season written on the drawing.

    Strategies for Diverse Learners

    How will you help ELL students?

    Guided Practice:
    Teacher will listen to each student say the names of the seasons in English as she/he points to the words written on board, projection device or flipchart.

    Help students' master new concepts:
    Teacher will spend time on each language separately and have students work in table groups of four saying the names for the seasons to each other in the four different languages as each language is introduced. A handout of the seasons written in the four languages will be disseminated.


    Students will work in table groups of four or in pairs and draw a scene which represents a favorite season and label the drawing with the words from the board/handout for the season in all four languages. Teacher and assistant will circulate among groups to direct students.

    Assessment Plan

    Observation of student participation, student completion of drawing with written words for season. Student presentation of drawing, and pronunciation of word(s) for season.

Created: 01/18/2005
Updated: 10/17/2022