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Physical State Diagram

Main Core Tie

SEEd - Grade 6
Strand 6.2: ENERGY AFFECTS MATTER Standard 6.2.2

Time Frame

1 class periods of 60 minutes each

Group Size



Utah LessonPlans


Students will draw and describe what each of the physical states of matter is like.


  • Hook activity
    • 2 different sized/shaped beakers, cups, or flasks
    • different shaped balloons
    • some liquid (pop, juice, water)
    • Solids (cube, crayon, etc.) rectangular objects work best for seeing volume
  • Student Sheet
  • Physical State Notes Power Point

Instructional Procedures

  1. Hook activity:
    • Liquid: Pour your liquid into a beaker
      • Ask: Will the volume (space it takes up) change if I pour into a different beaker?
      • Ask: Will the shape of the liquid change if I pour it into a different beaker?
      • Have a student read the volume, then pour it into a different beaker and have the student find the volume again.
    • Solid (repeat what you did with liquids)
    • Gas
      1. Use the balloons & ask the same questions and demonstrate how the shape will change depending on the container
      2. Ask: What would happen to the volume of the gas if the balloon is popped?
  2. Handout the student sheet & use the PowerPoint to provide information. Ask student volunteers to draw the diagrams of the relative states on the board.

Assessment Plan

  • Notes completed, neat & organized…………………………4
  • Student correctly lists and draws the characteristics of the states……....…..4


Lesson Design by Jordan School District Teachers and Staff.

Created: 09/29/2014
Updated: 02/03/2018