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From Cell to Body

Main Core Tie

SEEd - Grade 7
Strand 7.3: STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF LIFE Standard 7.3.3

Time Frame

1 class periods of 70 minutes each

Group Size



Utah LessonPlans


Students will create a "foldable" to illustrate the organization of an organism from a specific kind of cell to it's tissue, organ, system and the body it is from.


  • blank white paper (construction paper will create a larger book)
  • colored markers
  • pencils or crayons
  • textbooks (possibly a biology book)

Instructional Procedures

  1. Explain to students that they will be creating a book to show the organization of living things. Each page will show a change in level from the simplest to more complex.
  2. Assign or have students choose a cell to start with. Plant cells can be used but the vocabulary rapidly escalates beyond what is expected in the core.

    Red or White Blood Cell

  3. 3. To make the "foldable", fold the paper in half "hamburger bun" style:
  4. Unfold and fold "hotdog" style:
  5. Fold into four sections, then unfold.
  6. Make a small cut along the fold in the middle half.
  7. Pinch the original folds away from the center:
  8. A four page "book" should emerge. Students can tape the gaping ends together if they want.
  9. Write on the board or create an overhead with what each page should have:

    Cell to Body Booklet

    Page 1-title, student name, picture that means something about the cell.
    Page 2-the cell: title, drawing, explanation about the function of the cell
    Page 3-the cell in its tissue: a drawing and explanation of the function of the tissue and/or it's location in the body.
    Page 4- The tissue in its organ: title, drawing, explanation of the organ's function
    Page 5-The organ in its system: title, drawing, explanation of the system's function
    Page 6-the system in a body: title, drawing, summary statement
    Page 7-Describe what the body could NOT do without this system.
    Page 8-Draw 5 concentric circles, the smallest in the center. Label each circle with one name, "cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, or body". Explain why you chose to label the circles the way you did.

  10. Allow time for students to work. Remind them to use their books and any other references you have provided.
  11. Ask students to trade books and read each other's books. You may wish for them to make a summary chart like this:


Lesson Design by Jordan School District Teachers and Staff.

Created: 10/03/2014
Updated: 02/05/2018