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Organ Art

Time Frame

1 class periods of 60 minutes each

Group Size



Utah LessonPlans


Students will diagram and label the structure of the primary components of representative organs in plants and animals (indicator "a" in Utah State Core)



  • overhead of systems (attached)
  • 1/2 a poster board or butcher paper per student pair
  • markers
  • textbooks
  • optional: microscopes and prepared slides of muscle tissue, lung tissue, leaf cross sections, stem cross sections, root tip slide, skin cross section, ovary tissue, bone tissue, brain, liver, kidney, muscle slides

Instructional Procedures


  1. Hook: Cover or turn around backwards as many of the visual aids in your classroom as possible. Have students tell you or write down what they remember of the visual aid. Explain that pictures are powerful ways to learn and that there is a reason teachers have them in their rooms.
  2. Explain to students that they will be making a visual aid for an organ. When they finish, you will display them on your walls to provide another way for students to learn about them.
  3. Show students the materials you have assembled and assign groups or allow students to choose a partner. Groups of 2 are suggested.
  4. Show students the overhead with this graphic:
  5. Explain that they will be looking under the microscope or using their textbooks to see the cells. They will use their books to draw and label the organ and the system in the body.
  6. Encourage the students to be neat and accurate. A good visual aid can be read from a distance. No tiny print.
  7. Assign the following organs and their parts:
    • heart - muscle tissue, valves and chambers
    • lung - trachea, bronchial, alveoli
    • leaf - veins, stomata
    • stem - xylem, phloem, cambium;
    • root - tip, elongation, hairs;
    • skin - layers, sweat glands, oil glands, hair follicles
    • ovaries - ova, follicles, corpus luteum
    • small intestine-villi, pyloric valve
    • kidney-nephron, ureter
    • bone-compact bone, spongy bone, periosteum, marrow
    • liver-lobes, gall bladder
    • Stomach-rugae, stomach wall
    • Flower-petals, ovary, stamen, pistil
    • Brain-cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla
    • Muscle-fiber, tendon,
    • Knee-patella, bursa, ligament, cartilage
    • Spinal cord-vertebra, disc, spinal nerves
  8. Once students have chosen or been assigned an organ, allow time for them to work.
  9. You may wish for each group to present their poster and tell about something they learned from their research on it.
  10. Hang the good ones on the wall. Periodically, turn them around backwards and see what students remember from the poster.


Lesson Design by Jordan School District Teachers and Staff.

Created: 11/24/2014
Updated: 02/05/2018