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Greeting Card

Main Core Tie

Interior Design 1
Strand 1 Standard 1

Time Frame

1 class periods of 30 minutes each

Group Size


Life Skills





A fun, interesting and hands-on approach to reinforce picture mounting skills and standard block lettering.


  • Magazines
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Rulers
  • 8.5 x 5.5 Sheets of colored card stock (folded in half)
  • Example greeting cards
  • Greeting card assignment sheets

Background for Teachers

This activity should be proceeded by a lesson covering presentation methods so that students know what type of lettering and picture mounting is expected of them.

Student Prior Knowledge

Students should have completed some sort of lettering practice prior to this activity. Students should also have learned how to mount picutres correctly.

Intended Learning Outcomes

This activity helps to reinforce the skills of standard block lettering and correct picture mounting in an enjoyable, creative and hands-on manner.

Instructional Procedures

Provide an assignment sheet to each of your students and go through the directions as a class.

Have example cards displayed, depicting exactly what you expect the students to accomplish.

Give students a choice of colored card stock on which to create their cards--if this lesson is assigned on or around a specific holiday, suggest a holiday- specific card that students could take and give to a family member of friend.

Make the outcome of the assignment as useful as possible to show that they are learning real life skills.

Strategies for Diverse Learners

A struggling student could be accommodated by having he/she complete one task or the other--a picture, OR writing. It's the student's choice.

Assessment Plan

Student assessment is outlined in rubric form on the assignment sheet so that students are aware as they work, what they will be graded upon.


Curriculum Guide, USOE

Created: 03/19/2003
Updated: 02/05/2018