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Nutritional Needs

Main Core Tie

Child Development
Strand 7

Time Frame

1 class periods of 90 minutes each

Group Size


Life Skills



Marilee Webb


This lesson teaches the students about the nutritional needs of children, kitchen safety, and important aspects of snacks. The students will rotate through six different stations to complete the activities.




Folders, Overheads, Bags with white powders, Poster board, markers, etc. Ingredients for apple crisp, microwave, bowls, Kitchen Worksheet, Food Guide Pyramid or magazines, Basic fire fighting equipment.

Background for Teachers

This lesson will take a little time to set up, but the students really enjoy the different stations. Make sure you explain each one before they start.

Intended Learning Outcomes

After this period on the nutritional needs of children as well as food safety and sanitation, the students will demonstrate their understanding of these concepts through the hands-on activities and the preparation of a nutritional snack under the direction of the teacher.

Instructional Procedures

•Intro: Read the story "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss to the class. Then discuss nutrition and how for children, it is sometimes tricky to feed them the right things, but very important. The start to proper nutrition is knowing serving sizes, sanitation, and how to take care of kitchen problems. Tomorrow we will focus on the color and appeal of different foods for children. •Stations: The students will go to the following six stations to learn about nutrition, food safety, and sanitation. They will be allowed to stay at each station for a maximum of 12 minutes. (See handouts) 1.Have students identify white powders in zip lock bags. The purpose is to reinforce the need to leave items in their original container of label things very well. The student quiz sheet is in the packet. 2.Students will be given a piece of poster board, markers, crayons, etc. They will create a safety poster on one of the given topics on the direction sheets. 3.Apple crisp lab. Students will quickly make a microwave apple crisp while their partner watches for sanitation and safety problems. A worksheet is given in the packet. 4.Kitchen inspection. Students will identify all of the problems that are on the worksheet and write them down in their packet. 5.Students will sort through all of the felt items of food and separate them into the different food groups. Then they will figure out 3 healthy meals for children, using the recommended amounts--or--students will search through the magazines and find pictures of the different food groups. They will cut out the pictures and paste them onto the provided pyramid, and then fill in the proper amount of servings for a toddler. Then they will create the 3 healthy meals. 6.Students will draw a fire situation out of the can and their partner will demonstrate a proper response to the fire. Students should critique each other on the correctness of their response. Basic fire fighting equipment should be provided.

Assessment Plan

They will turn in their folders with everything in it. You can also quiz them on some of the different things that they learned.

Created: 06/24/2003
Updated: 02/05/2018