What's On UEN-TV


Life In Aquatic Environments

In these programs life is examined in terms of habitat, diversity, adaptation, ecological niches, and interrelationships. Modular presentation, stunning biological photography, and up-to-date learning design create a powerful teaching resource for the study of aquatic and marine life. In recent years, the high school biology curriculum has taken a turn toward the cellular/molecular nature of life, but we believe that along with studying these fundamental processes, students need an association with living organisms. By documenting the lives of fresh water and marine organisms, these programs introduce some of the most interesting organisms to be found in nature and will motivate students to explore these environments on their own to see this amazing diversity of life for themselves.

  • Exploring Vernal Pools
    Thursday, June 6
    10:10 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Seasonal temporary wetlands, commonly known as vernal pools, are a menagerie of diverse and fascinating organisms. This program contains two parts: a non-narrated observation section and a fully narrated instructional section, including tips on how to collect and examine live organisms in the classroom or lab. It examines a diversity of vernal pool species from several groups: protozoans, bacteria, rotifers, flatworms, ostrocods, waterfleas, copepods, clamshrimp, fairy shrimp, tadpole shrimp, and aquatic insect larvae.
  • Seashores
    Thursday, June 6
    10:29 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Abiotic and Biotic Factors: Tides, wave shock, desiccation, and food sources. Adaptations for Wave Shock: Shows the variety of body forms and structures found in an environment ripped by waves. Defense: Examines structural, chemical, and behavioral adaptations that protect animals in this crowded environment. Feeding: Looks at adaptations used to harvest the abundant food sources of the shore. Reproduction: Examines asexual and sexual strategies and the importance of larval development in the plankton. Rocky Shores, Sandy Beaches, Mudflats, Docks: Reveals complex webs of life living in these accessible habitats
  • Lakes, Ponds, Streams and Wetlands
    Thursday, June 6
    10:59 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    The Weedy Shallows: This unit places many of the organisms studied in biology into an ecological perspective: hydras, planarians, annelids, aquatic insects, rotifers, and protists, all interesting organisms that provide food for fish and other vertebrates. Open Water Environments: Adaptations for planktonic life are observed in Daphnia and other cladocerans, copepods, rotifers, and planktonic algae. Bottom Environment: Explores bacterial decomposition, recycling of materials, adaptations for bottom life, and ecological relationships in the bottom community. Stream Life, Inhabitants, and Adaptations: This section takes a revealing underwater look at the highly specialized organisms that live in rapids, under rock communities, and in slower waters. Vernal Pools: Investigates adaptations for life in temporary wetland environments.


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