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Food II Class Introduction

Main Core Tie

Dietetics and Nutrition 1
Strand 1

Time Frame

1 class periods of 45 minutes each

Group Size

Large Groups

Life Skills



Cindy Tegge


This introduction can be used for the first day of a Foods II class. Class organization, expectations, disclosure and icebreakers are included.



  • Three easy to catch balls or toys
  • Index cards (one for each student)
  • Copies of class disclosure for students (See attachments below)
  • Find the Hazards title page for FII Kitchen Basics packet (See attachments below)

Background for Teachers

This lesson plan will take approximately 45 minutes.
Start with basic housekeeping needs. The goal of this plan is to know more about the students and have students know more about the class and their classmates.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will recognize and understand class expectations and know the names of three of their peers in the same class. Students will find and identify unsafe kitchen practices while working on their packets.

Instructional Procedures

Greet the students at the door as they enter the classroom. For the first day, seating is open. Start the class by introducing the class name and yourself as the teacher. Cover basic housekeeping of roll and then hand out your disclosure. Go over the disclosure and your expectations for the students. This is also a good time to cover any fees the class has. Be sure to introduce yourself during this time.

The following activities are good icebreakers that help the teacher learn student names and the class to learn their peer names.

  1. Name Game:
    Objective - to help learn first names and to build inclusion in the classroom.
    1. Have the students sit in one large circle.
    2. Have one student begin the activity by stating his or her name.
    3. Have the students to the right of the student repeat the first students name and then state his or her own name: example - "I'm Mike" then the second student "You're Mike, I'm Sue" and so on.
    4. Have students continue the sequence around the circle until everyone has participated. The last student says everyone's name - Encourage the other students to help those students at the end of the circle.

  2. Three Ball Pass - The Name Juggle:
    Objective: to help students learn each other's names and help the teacher learn student names.

    You will need three items that are easy to catch - the soft rubberized spiny balls work really well for this and they don't hurt if someone misses.

    1. Using something that is easy to catch, establish a pattern around the room as follows:
      1. The teacher says someone's name and tosses him / her the ball
      2. That person chooses another person, says the person's name, and tosses them the ball
      3. Continue in this manner until each person has caught and tossed the ball once.
      4. The ball will end the pattern in the hands of the teacher.
    2. Repeat the pattern until it can be done quickly.
    3. Begin again, and after several people have caught the ball, throw in the second ball, using the same pattern sequence and then add the third ball.
    4. This is a great energizer for learning names.
    5. After the group has mastered "Three Ball Pass", have them reverse the pattern!

  3. Pen Pals:
    Objective - the students will communicate with each other to find out little known facts about each other and learn each other's names.
    1. Give each student a 3x5 index card and tell them to write a little known fact about themselves. (It should be something they won't mind the class knowing and they should NOT write their name on the card.)
    2. Collect all the cards, shuffle and redistribute. If someone gets his/her own card back, exchange it for another card.
    3. When everyone has an unfamiliar card, have all stand and circulate, asking one another questions about the information on the card.

      For example, "Did you barrel race horses as a child?"

    4. When the person answering the description is found, he/she signs the card and returns the card the teacher.

  4. Find the Hazards worksheet:
    1. Hand out the worksheet to the students with instructions that they are to color in or circle all the potential hazards they can find in the kitchen.
    2. Ask the students to be prepared to share potential outcomes if the hazard is not corrected and share how the situation can be solved.
    3. Allow the students 10-15 minutes to find the hazards and then let each student share a hazard and solution.
    4. This can be the students' first assignment, or the cover page for their assignment packet.
    5. Students may turn in their worksheet for participation points at the end of class.

Strategies for Diverse Learners

All icebreakers can be adapted for special needs students. Peer tutors can be included in the icebreakers, as they will also become part of the class.


Tribes, A New Way of Learning and Being Together. Gibbs, Jeanne, CenterSource System, LLC, 2001

Created: 07/20/2010
Updated: 02/05/2018