Utah Centennial Studies


Ghost Riders and Rest Stops Packet B



Dear Pupils,

Now, I'll tell you about Dixie Station a half mile inside Morgan County. This station was easy to attack and hard to defend although the Indians were usually not troublesome along that part of the trail. Overnight lodging could be had, but the station was crude, and its meals were of the worst kind. Even though its accommodations were poor, passengers knew the trail ahead was difficult and sometimes decided to stay awhile. After Dixie Station the trail followed Bauchmin's creek and crossed it 13 times in 8 miles. The road turned narrower and went to the summit of Big Mountain Pass. The summit had been crossed by the Donner Party in 1846 and the Mormons in 1847 and wound steeply down the west slope to Hanks Station the last stop before Salt lake City.