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Cultural Lit. 47: The Demographics of SE Utah

Time Frame

2 class periods of 60 minutes each


Utah LessonPlans


Students will: Examine the human characteristics of SE Utah, quality of life and compare towns within the region, after receiving direct instruction, reading selected texts and working in group structures, within 1-2 class periods.


1. Map of SE Utah and Four-Corners-Region.
2. Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock. 2001. Classroom Instruction that Works. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. See Chapter 6, Nonlinguistic Representations, for a variety of Graphic Organizer ideas.

Instructional Procedures

Anticipatory Set:
Post the names and words 'Demography, economy, political system' on the board, on a flipchart or on a projection device and ask the class if they are familiar with these terms. Conduct a collective brainstorming session (utilizing group structures) and add the generated vocabulary words to posted ones. Allow students to postulate their understanding of words and concepts.

1. Working in cooperative group structures, students will examine map of Four-Corners region and take notes listing major towns and smaller towns of relevance (see Marzano, Pickering and Pollock p. 46, Informal Outline).

2. Utilizing graphic organizer (see assessment), students will list towns and research characteristics (utilizing Internet, and school library) of each place named.

3. Utilizing a cooperative group structure, students will compare the listed towns and ascertain major similarities and differences.

4. Students will report to class from groups.

Assessment Plan

Students will utilize graphic organizer to list information:

Example of Organizer:
List the following headings in horizontal direction across top of legal size page, list towns to be studied vertically on left margin of page.
1. Major Languages Spoken
2. Religions Practiced
3. Ethnic Population: Ethnicity and Demography (% of ethnic groups making-up overall population)
4. Economy--Demography of Socio-Economic Status
5. Political System--Demography of Party Affiliation, including Tribal Politics

Created: 01/29/2005
Updated: 01/21/2018