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Cultural Lit. 48: Geography & Places in SE Utah

Time Frame

2 class periods of 60 minutes each


Utah LessonPlans


Students will: Evaluate SE Utah and Four-Corners place names in relation to geographical characteristics of place, after receiving direct instruction, reading selected texts and working in group structures, within 1-2 class periods.


1. Map of SE Utah and Four-Corners-Region. Dine' Bikeyah. Time Traveler Maps.
2. Four Corners Place Names handout.
3. Dine' and Spanish Place Names handout
4. SJSD Media Center--Cultural Awareness Book--Social Studies, pp 25-27 Utah Place Names.
5. Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock. 2001. Classroom Instruction that Works. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Instructional Procedures

Anticipatory Set:
Post the names and words 'Physical map, political map' on the board, on a flipchart or on a projection device and ask the class if they are familiar with these terms. Conduct a collective brainstorming session (utilizing group structures) and add the generated vocabulary words to posted ones. Allow students to postulate their understanding of words and concepts.

1. Working in cooperative group structures, students will examine map of Four-Corners region and take notes listing places they know (see Marzano, Pickering and Pollock, Chapter 6 for Graphic Organizer ideas).

2. Utilizing graphic organizer, students will list the meaning of the place name and describe the physical characteristics of each place named. (see handouts and Cultural Awareness book).

3. Utilizing a cooperative group structure, students will compare the names of the places with the physical characteristics of the places.

4. Students will report similarities and differences between names and places to class from groups.

Assessment Plan

Students will utilize graphic organizer to list information from activities.

Created: 01/29/2005
Updated: 01/30/2018