Core Standards of the Course
Strand 1
Students will achieve a level of competency in motor skills and movement patterns.
Skill development includes various locomotor and non-locomotor skills. Locomotor skills, which include walking, hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping, leaping, and jumping, are the foundation of movement. Non-locomotor skills using balance and weight transfer include curling, stretching, twisting, and bending. Competency progresses into manipulative skills such as catching, rope jumping, underhand and overhand throwing, dribbling, passing and receiving a ball with hands or feet.
Standard 4.1.1
Use spring-and-step takeoffs while jumping and landing.
Standard 4.1.2
Run for distance, using pacing and a well-developed pattern.
Standard 4.1.3
Move into and out of balances with curling, twisting, and stretching actions.
Standard 4.1.4
Combine locomotor skills and movement concepts (e.g., levels, shapes, extensions, pathways, force, time, and flow) to create and perform a dance or rhythmic activity with a partner.
Standard 4.1.5
Combine locomotor movement patterns and dance steps to create and perform an original dance.
Standard 4.1.6
Use various motor skills in a variety of small group practice tasks.
Standard 4.1.7
Catch and throw a ball above the head, at chest/waist level, and below the waist, using a well-developed pattern in a non-dynamic environment.
Standard 4.1.8
Throw underhand to a partner or at a target with accuracy and increased distance.
Standard 4.1.9
Dribble with the hand in personal space with both the preferred and non-preferred hand, using a well-developed pattern.
Standard 4.1.10
Dribble in general space with control of ball and body while increasing and decreasing speed.
Standard 4.1.11
Throw overhand, using a well-developed pattern with accuracy.
Standard 4.1.12
Throw overhand to a partner, or at a target at a reasonable distance.
Standard 4.1.13
Volley with a two-hand overhead pattern, sending a ball upward with consecutive hits.
Standard 4.1.14
Dribble with feet in general space, maintaining control of ball and body while increasing and decreasing speed.
Standard 4.1.15
Receive a ball with the insides of the foot and pass to a moving partner in a non-dynamic environment.
Standard 4.1.16
Receive a ball with the outside and inside of the foot and return the pass to a stationary partner.
Standard 4.1.17
Combine traveling with the manipulative skills of dribbling, throwing, catching and striking in teacher- and/or student-designed small group activities (3-5 students).
Standard 4.1.18
Create and perform a jump rope routine with either a short or long rope.
Strand 2
Students will apply knowledge to attain efficient movement and performance. Students will use space, pathways, shapes, levels, speed, direction, force and strategy for effective movement in an activity setting.
Standard 4.2.1
Apply the concept of open spaces to combination skills (e.g., getting open for a pass, dribbling to create space).
Standard 4.2.2
Apply the movement concepts of speed, endurance, and pacing for running.
Standard 4.2.3
Combine movement concepts with skills in small group (3-5) activities and/or dance.
Standard 4.2.4
Apply the concepts of direction and force when striking an object with a short-handled implement, sending it toward a designated target.
Standard 4.2.5
Apply simple offensive strategies and tactics in chasing and fleeing activities.
Standard 4.2.6
Apply simple defensive strategies/tactics in chasing and fleeing activities.
Standard 4.2.7
Recognize the types of kicks needed for different game and sport situations.
Strand 3
Students will understand the components necessary to maintain a healthy level of fitness to support physical activity.
Students will understand how applied knowledge of physical activity and nutrition can result in overall wellness.
Standard 4.3.1
Analyze opportunities for participating in physical activity outside physical education class.
Standard 4.3.2
Actively engage in the activities of physical education class, both teacher- directed and independent.
Standard 4.3.3
Identify the components of health-related fitness (e.g., cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility).
Standard 4.3.4
Demonstrate prescribed warm-up and cool-down relative to level of exercise.
Strand 4
Students will develop cooperative skills and positive personal behavior through communication and respect for self and others.
Students exhibit personal responsibility in a group setting by working well with others, accepting feedback, and understanding how rules and etiquette contribute to a safe and enjoyable environment.
Standard 4.4.1
Exhibit responsible behavior in independent group situations.
Standard 4.4.2
Reflect on personal social behavior in physical activity.
Standard 4.4.3
Listen respectfully to corrective feedback from others (e.g., peers, adults).
Standard 4.4.4
Praise the movement performance of others both more and less skilled.
Standard 4.4.5
Accept students of all skill levels into the physical activity.
Standard 4.4.6
Exhibit etiquette and adherence to rules in a variety of physical activities.
Standard 4.4.7
Work safely with peers and equipment in physical activity settings.
Strand 5
Students will appraise the personal value of physical activity as a tool for wellness, challenges, and interacting with appropriate social skills with friends and family.
Students will identify activities that bring satisfaction and pleasure through participation and reflect how physical activity promotes a lifetime of wellness.
Standard 4.5.1
Examine the health benefits of participating in physical activity.
Standard 4.5.2
Rate the enjoyment of participating in challenging and mastered physical activities.
Standard 4.5.3
Critique the level of enjoyment after participating in various physical activities.
Standard 4.5.4
Describe/compare the positive social interactions when engaged in partner, small group and large group physical activities.