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Heritage: Going Into Business

Time Frame

2 class periods of 45 minutes each

Group Size

Small Groups

Life Skills

Thinking & Reasoning


Kathleen Webb


Groups of students plan a transport business to run between Independence, Missouri and Salt Lake City, Utah between 1850-1860.


Poster board, markers, colored paper, glue and any other materials students may wish to use creatively.

Background for Teachers

In the mid-1800's there were needs to be met and profits to be made by enterprising individuals willing to work hard and take a few risks.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will make and display a poster advertising their freight line. It should show a picture of the vehicle, give the name of the freight line, the items that may be transported, costs, destinations, time schedules and any other pertinent information.

Instructional Procedures


Discussion of the needs of settlers in the 1800's. Brainstorm some of the items pioneers might wish to send East and what they might need to receive from the East.

Go to essential questions in this unit. Students research to determine what they will transport, the route that will be traveled, the time it will take, and the costs involved. Consider using the reference, Utah History Encyclopedia. Students design their vehicle and give it a name.

Students trace on a map the route their freight line will travel.

As a group, make a poster advertising your freight line. Give all information your customer might want to know.


Display the posters for class evaluation. Do the posters give accurate and complete information needed by the customers?


McCormick, John The Utah Adventure (Gibbs-Smith, )
Powell, Allan Kent Utah History Encyclopedia (University of Utah Press, )

Created: 04/19/1997
Updated: 02/03/2018