Animal Habitat Presentation Rubric                                

Name: _________________ Teacher: Rollins
Date: Class:
Description: Students will create an Adobe Spark Page sharing 5 characteristics animals must have to live in their assigned habitat
3 2 1
Photos Student has 1 cover photo and 5 photos that show the characteristic listed Student has a cover photo but some images do not show animal characteristic listed Student is missing a cover photo or none of animal photos match characteristics listed
Features Student lists 5 different animal features needed in their assigned habitat Student lists 3-4 different animal features needed in their assigned habitat Student lists 1-2 different animal features needed in their assigned habitat
Reason Why Student has a reason why for each animal characteristic Student has a reason why for some animal characteristics Student has no reasons why for their animal characteristics
Photo Grid Student created a photo grid at the bottom with 5 scenery photos Student created a photo grid with only 3-4 photos or they are not scenery photos Student created a photo grid with only 2 photos or they are not scenery photos or not the right habitat
Citations Student includes citations at the end of their page Student only includes some citations Student includes no citations
Presentation Student presents their project to their group using a strong clear voice Student presents their project to the group but is hard to understand or needs help to present Student does not present to the group