Habitats and Adaptations                                

Name: _________________ Teacher: Arney
Date: 12/20/22 Class: 1
Description: Students will create and submit a Keynote presentation on a species of their choice and how it adapts to survive in it's habitat.
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Species Does not chose one specific species Chooses one specific species
Adaptation Only includes information OR pictures of the species Includes information and 1 picture relating to how that animal/plant adapts to withstand its habitat Includes information and 2 or more pictures relating to how that animal/plant adapts to withstand its habitat
Title Page Has name of species Has name of species and student name Has name of species, student name, and grade level
Where is the habitat Does not have a slide related to the animal's habitat Has a slide with photo of animal's habitat Has a slide with photo and description of animal's habitat
Hypothysizing Does not have a slide hypothesizing what would happen to the species if it did not adapt Has a slide hypothesizing what would happen to the species if it did not adapt