ANewHome_english - page 11

colors. I see
blue, green, yel low and red. I wonder why the
needs such a big beak for this habi tat?
I think the rain forest is too wet and humid of a
habi tat for me. We should keep looking.
Hmmm. What now? I think we should go and see
glacier. I am ready to get cold.
Look! There is a seal , let ’s get closer. The seal
is such
a beaut i ful creature. They are furry when they
are babies.
I think that is so cute. The seals l ive in real ly
temperatures wi thout any problem. They can
crawl on the
ice or swim in the freezing water. I wonder i f
that ´s why
they are so fat?
I ’m not fat . I am start ing to get cold. I think
this habi tat
is better for a seal than me.
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