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Shark Island

Group Size


Life Skills

  • Thinking & Reasoning
  • Communication
  • Social & Civic Responsibility




This scooter activity is both fun and physically engaging.


scooters, loose equipment (small balls, beanbags etc.)

Background for Teachers

Review basic safety rules prior to starting this activity.

Instructional Procedures

  • Have your students partner with a classmate.
  • Designate two players to be "sharks" and have them lie prone on their scooter. The sharks' home is a circle in the middle of the gym.
  • Explain that the rest of the students are "little fish". Have one of the partners lie prone on their scooter in one of the gym's four corners. (The other partner will wait for their turn in their home/corner.)
  • Scatter small objects ("food") throughout the sharks' home.
  • Instruct the little fish to attempt to get the sharks' food without being touched by a shark.
  • If they are successful, they keep the food in their corner. If they are touched by a shark, they must leave the food and return to their corner.
  • Once home, with or without food, the players trade the scooter to their partner who then takes a turn.

Strategies for Diverse Learners

You may add more sharks as needed. Rotate the sharks and let everybody have a turn. The circle in the middle,(shark's home), may be made larger or smaller as needed.

Created: 06/19/2003
Updated: 02/05/2018