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Twice Around

Group Size

Large Groups

Life Skills

  • Thinking & Reasoning
  • Communication
  • Social & Civic Responsibility




Students must work together as a team. Kicking, fielding, dodging, evading, start/stop, and retrieving errant throws will be practiced.


A 10 - 14 inch ball, and three tumbling (4' x 6') mats.

Student Prior Knowledge

Basic skills.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will work and communicate with teammates. They will have to help each other and take appropriate risks in this activity. They will gain skill development practice in many areas.

Instructional Procedures

  • Set-up the mats in a baseball type area.
  • Players in the outfield can be anywhere not impeding an opposing player.
  • One player kicks at a time.
  • The ball is rolled and the player kicks it.
    Anything besides a bunt is fair game. Sideways, forwards, backwards or even off the walls is fair.
  • The player runs to first etc.
  • The kicker is "out" when the ball is caught or when they are tagged with the ball while running toward a base or if the ball is thrown ahead of them to first base.
  • The fun starts when the next batter comes up. The player on first base does not have to run to second base, they may stay on the base as long as they wish, until they think it is safe to advance. The large mat will fit quite a few students on it.
  • To score a run though, the runner must advance around the bases twice --- from 1st to 2nd to 3rd to 2nd to 1st to 2nd to 3rd and finally home.
  • Runners attempting to advance to another base must be tagged in order to be out.
  • Once they leave the mat, they may go back if they don't think they can make it.
  • Everyone kicks one time and then you trade sides or if everyone is out on the bases with no one up to bat, you trade sides.

Created: 06/26/2003
Updated: 02/05/2018