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Patterned Paragraphs

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Utah LessonPlans


The objective of this activity is to reinforce the importance of being specific while dealing with events of a sequential nature, such as the phases of the moon.


  • Loaf of bread
  • Peanut butter (small jar)
  • Jam (small jar any flavor)
  • Butter knife
  • Table cloth
  • Damp rag to use and clean with
  • Lunar Language Graphic Organizer (pdf)
  • Chart text clue words used to connect and link or sequence words, you could also use compare and contrast words. Have these words on overhead, poster, word wall etc.
  • Colored markers
  • Writing paper for each

Additional Resources


  • Nonfiction Matters, by Stephanie Harvey; ISBN 1-57110-072-5
  • The Big Book of Reproducible Graphic Organizers, by Jennifer Jacobson (Scholastic); ISBN 0-590-37884-8
  • Books Don't Have to Be Flat, by Kathy Pike (Scholastic); ISBN 0-590-12049-2
  • Scholastic Encyclopedia of Space, by Jacqueline Mitton and Simeon Mitton; ISBN 0-590-59228-9
  • Project Earth Science: Astronomy, by P. Sean Smith (National Science Teacher Association); ISBN 0-87355-108-7
  • Quick and Creative Reading Response Activities, by Jane Fowler (Scholastic); ISBN 0-439-09845-9
  • The Moon, by Seymour Simon; ISBN 0-02-782840-9 Moon-Whales and Other Poems, by Ted Huges; ISBN 0-670-48864-X


  • AIMS Magazine, January 1994, p. 39
  • Kids Discover Magazine--Moon

Background for Teachers

The brightest object in the night sky is the moon--Earth's only natural satellite. It is also our closest neighbor, being 384,400 kilometers away from Earth. As you look at the moon you may notice that its features appear clean and distinct. This is because the moon has no atmosphere to distort your view.

When you see the moon in the night sky it appears round sometimes; other times it appears as a half-moon or a crescent shape. These different shapes are called phases. The positions of the moon, Earth, and the sun cause the phases of the moon, eclipses, and tides.

Because the sun lights the moon, half of the moon is always in the sunlight (except during a lunar eclipse). Since the moon revolves around Earth, we see the moon from different angles. The part of the moon that faces Earth is not always the half-lit side. The phase of the moon you see depends on how much of the illuminated side of the moon faces Earth on that day.

See Phases of the Moon (pdf) for further understanding and clarification.

Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Use Scientific Process and Thinking Skills
2. Manifest Scientific Attitudes and Interests
4. Communicate Effectively using Scientific Language and Reasoning

Instructional Procedures

Invitation to Learn
The objective of this activity is to reinforce the importance of being specific while dealing with events of a sequential nature.

Preparation: Place a table cloth on a table and set out all the materials.

  1. Choose a student to give you instructions on how to make a sandwich.
  2. Have the student come to the front of the room.
  3. Have that student stand with his/her back to you (about three feet away).
  4. Explain the rules for this activity.
    • Student can not turn around until you say so.
    • After s/he gives you an instruction, you will say, “Okay,” then s/he can go on to the next step.
  5. Have the student give you instructions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
  6. As you follow the student’s instructions, be very literal in following the directions you are given (e.g., If told to open the bread—rip it open [rarely will they tell you to untwist the tie]. If you are instructed to stick the knife in the peanut butter—stick in upside down [rarely will they tell you to put the pointed tip in].). In other words, really ham it up, make a mess, and have nothing that resembles a sandwich at the end.
  7. The focus is for students to realize how important it is to give specific and detailed instructions.
  8. Have each student write specific and detailed instructions on how to make a peanut butter sandwich if time permits.

Instructional Procedures

  1. Model for the class how to write a paper on How to Make a Peanut Butter Sandwich. Read steps three and four below and make sure you incorporate them into your example.
  2. Using the Lunar Language Graphic Organizer as a reference, have students write a paragraph describing the phases of the moon.
  3. Give exact expectations required for this piece of work. Example:


Supporting paragraph #1

  • May include full moon, waxing gibbous, and first quarter.

Supporting paragraph #2

  • May include waxing crescent and new moon.

Supporting paragraph #3

  • May include waning crescent and last quarter.

Supporting paragraph #4

  • Could include waning gibbous back to full moon.


Ensure the grading rubric coincides with the stated requirements.

Hints and Suggestions

  • To ensure that the text clues for sequence are set off, you may want to use the following color-coded system:
    • Introductory paragraph (green)
    • Linking or sequence words (purple)
    • Supporting paragraphs (black)
    • Concluding paragraph (red)
  • Have a list of sequence words and compare/contrast words for student reference. These may be in their journals, table helpers, word walls, or any place where they can see and use them.
  • Some text clues for sequence are: first, second, third, now, later, before, after, then, next, finally, following, while, meanwhile, last, during, not long, when, on (date), at (time), in conclusion, until, lastly.
  • Some text clues for compare/contrast are: in like manner, likewise, similarly, the difference between, as opposed to, after all, however, and yet, but, nevertheless, different from, same as, alike, similar to, unlike, but, yet, as well as, either...or, not only...but also, compared to, in contrast, while, resembles, although, unless.
  1. Show various types of instructions for students to view—anything that helps them write a sequence paper (e.g., bicycle instructions, computer instructions, etc.).
  2. When the paper is in rough draft form, have the student read it out loud to catch fluency, word choice, and convention mistakes.
  3. Next, have them explore various types of text to check for content accuracy and add anything necessary.
  4. Have students share with a partner, looking for fluency mistakes and checking for understanding. Look for any convention errors and edit properly.
  5. If time permits and it has been modeled, have students do peer editing.
  6. After all corrections have been checked, have students choose a format for publishing. Some ideas for publishing are:
    • Step books
    • Pop-up books
    • Mini-books
    • Film-strip
    • Story in a Can
    • Science in a Window
    • Accordion Books
    • Diary


  • Have students draw a diagram replicating the phases of the moon, showing relative positions of Earth, moon, and sun.
  • Have students draw the phases of the moon every other night as seen from their backyard. What clues show that the phases of the moon are changing?
  • Have students write three critical-thinking questions about the moon in their science journals.
  • Have the students write poetry about the moon. See Moon-Whales and Other Poems for ideas.
  • Have students use a dictionary to find other words formed from "luna."
  • Have students write moon myths.


  • Have students draw a "Person in the Moon" using all characteristics of the moon's surface and labeling each feature. Use Kids Discover Magazine--Moon as a source.

Family Connections

  • Moon Phase Cluster Word, Phrase, and Picture Cards--matching picture to word
  • ABC Books
  • Film Strips Books
  • Diary of a Scientist (Galileo)

Assessment Plan

  • You may chose to use the “Six Traits” of writing and grade on one section at a time (i.e., ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, or conventions)
  • Organization is an excellent assessment strategy.

Created: 11/15/2004
Updated: 02/03/2018