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Plyometric Exploration

Group Size


Life Skills

  • Thinking & Reasoning
  • Communication
  • Social & Civic Responsibility




Students will improve their strength, endurance and power by participating in a variety of plyometric activities: jumping, leaping, hopping, etc.


Hula hoops, CD player

Background for Teachers

What is plyometrics?
Speed and strength are an important part of fitness and they are found in varying degrees in virtually all athletic movements.

The combination of speed and strength, is power. For many years coaches and athletes have sought to improve power in order to enhance performance. Jumping, bounding, and hopping exercises have been the traditional method to enhance athletic performance. In recent years, this distinct method of training for power or explosiveness has been termed plyometrics.

What is plyometrics good for?
Plyometrics is one of the best ways to improve power. When a person performs a specific resistance movement, such as jumping, the fastest would be said to have more power. Therefore, power is not just the contraction of a muscle, but also how fast it contracts. Research has shown that a muscle will contract the fastest after it has been loaded. This is why you should be able to jump higher if you crouch down and then immediately jump up than if you would had you started from the crouch. Research has shown that practicing plyometrics will decrease the time it takes for the muscles to contract, resulting in more power.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to interact and safely avoid other children. Students will gain knowledge of jumping and landing and the muscles involved.

Instructional Procedures

Prior to beginning this activity instruct the students how to jump and land properly.

When the music starts, the students will perform the first given instruction.

  • Jump in and out of your hoop.

When the music stops, the children stop and rest and/or receive the next instruction.

Here are some additional instructions:

  • Jump low and jump high
  • Jump loudly and softly
  • Jump quickly and slowly
  • Jump on one foot and land on the same foot
  • Jump on one foot and land on the other foot.

Strategies for Diverse Learners

You may always use an imaginary hoop. You won't risk tripping on it this way or if you don't have adequate supplies of hoops. Everyone likes success so they must realize there are no bad jumps. Jump to your ability.

Created: 06/10/2003
Updated: 02/04/2018