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Creative Fair:Biathlon

Time Frame

1 class periods of 45 minutes each

Group Size

Small Groups


Shelly Smith


Students will participate in a group activity to learn about the upcoming Winter Olympic games and the Biathlon that will be featured there.


Explanatory posters Biathlon Course (marked off with tape) Targets: Ex:dixie cups, ping pong balls, trash can, 2 targets

Background for Teachers

The Winter Olympics games are coming to Utah, literally to the students backyards. The purpose of this activity is to increase student awareness of Winter Olympic sports and Utah's involvement in the games.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Give students the opportunity to participate in a mock Winter Olympic sport and to learn about upcoming 2002 Olympic Games.

Instructional Procedures

Students should be asked to brainstorm about the Olympics and Biathlon. An excellent attention getter is to relate the sport to the student. For example, The Biathlon is like running up 25 flights of stairs and then trying to thread a needle 5 times without missing the hole. Explain Biathlon: Cross country skiing and rifle target shooting, the equipment used as well as the relay races, pursuit, individual, sprint,and relay. Dicuss the Biathlon at the Salt Lake City Olympic Games 2002: Venue Competing Countries Explain Activity: Each student will be given 5 bullets (ping pong balls) to hit 5 targets. If a target is missed the student must take a penalty loop (Run once around a taped off circle). After one target is completed or the penalty loop is taken the student moves to the second target. Students can repeat the race to improve time and accuracy. Review: What is the Biathlon? Where will it be held in Utah? What equipment is used? What countries dominate the sport?


The Creative Fair is usually done with several stations, each featuring a different Olympic sport or country. This type of activity could be expanded to include cultures, places, and history.

Assessment Plan

Grade by participation.


Salt Lake 2002 (, )

Created: 09/27/2001
Updated: 02/05/2018