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Understanding The Solar System


Steven Talbot


This lesson will challenge students to develop their knowledge of objects in the solar system. Students will explore and research information about several objects in the solar system. Students will demonstrate their knowledge by creating a document in Lucid Press.


Computers Student log ins for lucid press

Background for Teachers

Teachers should have prepared an example project using lucid press that can be shown as an example to the students.

Student Prior Knowledge

Students should have already had time to learn and explore the features of creating a document on lucid press.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to describe key features and attributes of different objects in our solar system. They will be able to communicate this using scientific vocabulary related to this topic.

Instructional Procedures


  • Open up your example of the solar system catalog and inform the class that they will be creating their own catalog of all the different objects in the solar system.
  • Display the table of contents from your example and ask the students what are the key elements that should be included in the table of contents. Have them copy this down in their notes.
  • Click on the planets category, then choose the planet Mercury. Each planet will have the same group of facts, and it will be important that the students understand what information they will need to collect. Also be sure to specify the units you want them to use, such as miles or km. Ask the students what information they can see on the planets page.
  • Pass out the data collection sheet and explain that it can be used to keep their information organized as they research.
  • Pass out the grading rubric and review with the class the expectations for quality and accuracy of information. From this point, you must provide students a set amount of time to their research completed and a start date to start working on their digital catalog

Strategies for Diverse Learners

  • Limit the amount of information required to be collected on each object.
  • Limit the number of objects student needs to research.
  • Partner students with a peer.
  • Allow extra time for completion.
  • Allow student to complete assignment using other forms, such as on paper.

Created: 07/14/2014
Updated: 01/25/2018