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Scientific Classification of Animals

Time Frame

1 class periods of 60 minutes each

Group Size



Utah LessonPlans


Students will learn about classification of animals and then research an animal they chose to find out how it is classified.



  • student sheet (attached) computer or encyclopedias for student use
  • arge butcher paper, overhead or whiteboard with room for students to write their results

Instructional Procedures


  1. All students time to read the introduction and discuss it with, checking for student understanding. Remind them that the "Kingdom" category has been left out because these are all animals.
  2. Show students the resources they have to research the animals they choose. You may wish to have students write the name of the animal they pick on the butcher paper to start with to make sure there are not duplicates.
  3. Give students time to work and find their animals' classification.
  4. Students can share their work on the butcher paper, overhead, whiteboard or orally.
  5. Prepare the butcher paper ahead if you are going to use it:
  6. Students finish with analysis questions and conclusion.


Lesson Design by Jordan School District Teachers and Staff.

Created: 10/06/2014
Updated: 02/01/2018