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Lesson Plan for Honda Rube Goldberg

Time Frame

1 class periods of 60 minutes each

Group Size

Small Groups


Utah LessonPlans


Students will watch a short video and watch for energy changes and what types of energy are exchanged.


Background for Teachers

Time Needed: it depends which activity you do, none should take more than a 50 minute period.

Instructional Procedures


Activity 1:

  1. Show the movie clip to students. Ask them to watch for energy changes and what types of energy are exchanged.
  2. Ask students to write down the energy changes and identify them. Some students may be familiar with the names of the parts of the car but it is not necessary to know them. The steps can be described or numbered. Sound, light, mechanical and electrical energy are all displayed in the movie. You may wish for students to make a table like this:

Activity 2:

  1. Show the movie clip to students and ask them to identify the simple machines at work. They should see levers, inclined planes, wheels and maybe a pulley.
  2. Have students create a chart similar to the one above only now with these headings:

Activity 3:

  1. Students watch the clip and identify the car parts.


Lesson Design by Jordan School District Teachers and Staff.

Created: 10/30/2014
Updated: 02/01/2018