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GPS in Gym




In this lesson, the students will learn how to use a GPS unit. They will then be able to apply what they have learned by completing an orieteering activity.


8-10 GPS units 8-10 Stop Watches Paper and Pencil

Background for Teachers

You will need to get the latitude and longitude for your area. I've set up 8 stations that the students have to find. Divide the students, so there are even numbers in each group. Each station has a geocache hidden (each station needs to be numbered to complete the worksheet) and the students then follow the instructions in the geocache. I've programmed the longitude and latitude into the GPS and put them in different orders, so the students can just go from one to the other. In each cache, I've had the students perform some sort of physical activity - such as pushups, situps, jumping jacks, etc. On the worksheet, the record their heart rate before they start and when they finish.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to complete an orienteering activity and be able to relate it to their physical fitness goals.

Instructional Procedures


  • Trimble
    This site instructs students how to read a GPS and the purpose of a GPS.

Research - Day One
Students will be able to define GPS, the function of a GPS and understand the how it works. Students will be introduced to geocaching.

Application - Day Two
Students will find the hidden geocaches and follow the instructions on each card. They will also fill out the worksheet as the go along.

Assessment Plan

Students will complete the worksheet and then write a 3 paragraph paper about this activity.

Created: 05/10/2005
Updated: 01/19/2018