Foods and Fitness - Foods/Nutrition I
Food Across the Family Life Cycle

Unit I - The Very Young

Write each of the following statements along the top of the chalk board or on bright colored paper board. Have the students respond to each statement by writing the first ideas that comes to mind. After all students have responded, read through and discuss the comments with the students. (Responses are not graded. The activity simply gives the teacher some idea about the knowledge that the students already have.)

NOTE TO TEACHER:  Be conscious of nonreaders.  Read the statements out loud.

  1. You can encourage young children to eat a variety of foods by .....
  2. Preschool children should be offered a snack when .....
  3. The kinds of snacks that should be offered to preschool children include .....
Utah State Board of Education ~ Family and Consumer Sciences ~ 250 East 500 South ~ P.O. Box 144200 ~ Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200