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Caloric Burning Activities

Main Core Tie

Health Education - 4th Grade
Strand 5: NUTRITION (N) Standard 4.N.3:

Time Frame

1 class periods of 60 minutes each

Group Size


Life Skills

Thinking & Reasoning




Students will use problem solving, decision making and basic math skills to calculate calories used during different activities.


  • Energy Expenditure Chart for each student
  • pencil for each student
  • calculators

Student Prior Knowledge

Students need to be able to multiply and add using their calculator

Instructional Procedures

Begin by defining the term, "calorie" (a unit of heat/energy available in foods and used for basic living as well as participation in activities).

1. Hand out the Energy Expenditure Chart to each student.

2. Tell the class they are going to make a plan of how to burn 1,000 calories in one day, using at least eight different activities from the chart.

3. Students will need to figure out the activity, duration of activity, and the calories burned.

4. At the end of the worksheet they will add up all of their Calories.

5. Inform students that if the total calories don't add up to exactly 1,000, they will need to go back and adjust their activity or duration of activity.

6. Possible prompts:
What did you noticed about the calories burned in the various activities?
If a person burns more calories through increased activity, what might happen? (They'll need to eat more calories, their weight may change, etc.)

7. Collect their worksheets for assessment.

Strategies for Diverse Learners

Pair special needs learners with students who can provide assistance.


Have the class write down all of their activities for a day and calculate the total calories burned.

Assessment Plan

Each student will turn in a worksheet.


Exercise Physiology - Authors William D. McArddle, Frank I. Katch, Victor L. Katch - pages 804 - 811


Created: 07/08/2002
Updated: 01/15/2020