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The Scientific Revolution

Main Core Tie

Social Studies - 6th Grade
Standard 3 Objective 2


Hailey Maloney


During the Renaissance, many astute thinkers began to question long-held beliefs. This questioning led to the Scientific Revolution, which in turn led to the establishment of many scientific fields in use today.


Background for Teachers

Wikipedia Article "Scientific Revolution"

Intended Learning Outcomes

Enduring Understanding:
The knowledge gained during the scientific revolution was challenged at first, but has since changed how people view the world and is still used today.

Essential Questions:

  1. How do we decide which scientific claims to believe?
  2. How might advances in science and technology affect society?

Instructional Procedures

Hand out the Anticipation Guides (see materials) to each student. Read the directions aloud to the students, but don't let the students talk with each other.
Note: DON'T talk about the truth of the statements on the anticipation guide--students will discover these answers as they do the activity.

After all students have completed the sheet, introduce the idea that in the 15th century, people were not sure about these ideas. It took many scientists and thinkers to experiment and come up with these conclusions. This time was called the Scientific Revolution. Introduce and post the Essential Questions.

(This activity could be done during reading or social studies time. Each student could do one reading and share with others, or read all the readings over a period of time.)

Distribute the four Cloze Readings on Galileo, Newton, Leeuwenhoek, and Keplar. Instruct students to complete the reading and take notes on the significant discoveries each scientist made on their anticipation guide.

Class Discussion:
Return to the essential questions. Discuss the contributions made by each of the four scientists, focusing on the impact each had on the knowledge we have today about astronomy and microbiology. Have students complete the "After" column on the anticipation guide and discuss the answers.


  • Informal Assessment during discussion
  • Cloze Activities
  • "After" column on Anticipation Guide

Assessment Plan

Students will complete the "after" portion of the Anticipation Guide to see if they discovered new knowledge during their readings.

Created: 06/26/2009
Updated: 02/05/2018