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Using Gale Reference to Analyze Opposing Claims

Main Core Tie

Secondary Library Media (6-12)
Strand 5: Standard 1

Additional Core Ties

Secondary Library Media (6-12)
Strand 5: Standard 2:

Time Frame

1 class periods of 30 minutes each

Group Size

Large Groups

Life Skills

  • Thinking & Reasoning
  • Social & Civic Responsibility


Michelle Miles
Erin Newsome


This is the second lesson in a series of two introducing the Gale Reference Library. Students will browse the Opposing Viewpoints in Context on Gale Reference Library. After choosing a debatable topic, students will read the overview to summarize the argument and identify opposing claims. Next, students will choose two resources (one representing each side of the debate) and evaluate the claim and argument for each resource.


  • Gale Reference Collection 9-12
  • Computers for each student

Background for Teachers

Students need the critical thinking skill of analyzing and evaluating information found on online databases.

Student Prior Knowledge

Basic computer skills and the knowledge acquired from the Gale Reference Library Introduction lesson.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to choose a debatable topic. Identify the argument. Identify opposing claims. Analyze the strength of each argument.

Instructional Procedures

Instructional Sequence:

  1. Librarian gives directions and answers questions.
  2. Students research two opposing viewpoints on a debatable topic.
  3. Students will read, listen, or view the resource and complete the attached handout.
  4. Debrief: Where did you get stuck? Did each side present a viable claim that was supported with evidence? Was there one viewpoint more persuasive than the other? Why?

Strategies for Diverse Learners

Teacher circulating to identify where and when students are challenged. Peer support.

Assessment Plan

Completed handout and class debrief discussion


Reviewed by Michelle Miles

Created: 09/08/2016
Updated: 02/05/2018