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Positive & Negative Space

Main Core Tie

Interior Design 1
Strand 3 Standard 1

Time Frame

1 class periods of 45 minutes each

Group Size


Life Skills

Thinking & Reasoning




Students will create a puzzle-like picture in which one color of paper represents positive space and color represents negative space.


  • overhead projector
  • space notes transparency
  • assignment sheets
  • 2 different colors of paper (8.5 x 11 & 8.5 x 5.5)
  • example assignment
  • glue
  • scissors

Background for Teachers

Please be familiar with the information on the attached note outline before lecturing for students.

Student Prior Knowledge

Students should be aware of correct note-taking procedures.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to differentiate between negative and positive space. Also, students should learn that a mix of positive and negative space makes things more interesting to look at.

Instructional Procedures

Students should take notes from the overhead note outline as you lecture and discuss positive and negative space. Hand out the assignment sheet. Go over all directions as a class. Stress the importance of them cutting their original shape into at least 9 pieces and not losing any of the pieces. Answer any and all questions that students may have. Show students an example of what you expect them to create. Hand out the two pieces of colored paper. Remind students that there is a question on their assignment sheet that they need to answer before handing in their completed project.

Strategies for Diverse Learners

The struggling student could cut fewer pieces from their original shape. The gifted student could cut more than nine pieces.

Assessment Plan

By completing this project students will earn 40 points if they have done the following things: 9 pieces or more (20 points), variety of positive and negative space used (10 points), neatness/label (10 points).


USOE Curriculum Guide

Created: 05/01/2003
Updated: 02/05/2018