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Advanced Presentation Boards

Main Core Tie

Interior Design 2
Strand 7

Time Frame

4 class periods of 90 minutes each

Group Size


Life Skills

  • Thinking & Reasoning
  • Employability


Nancy Lunak


Presentation Boards for 2nd year students. The requirements match those for several colleges that require color boards for admission.


A 15 x 20 illustration board (mat board); a variety of samples: flooring, upholstery, window treatments, etc.; a mat board cutter; double-sided foam; sticky tape; quilt batting; and a glue gun.

Background for Teachers

The teacher will need to prepare a packet for each individual student. Each packet needs: 1. A picture of one piece of furniture (keep it small to medium size); 2. A handout with instructions for creating the board; 3. Extra envelopes to help separate the samples. Remember that students will need access to samples or they will need time to collect them from vendors (Home Depot and Lowes are always good for samples; and 4. A printed picture of a sample board.

Student Prior Knowledge

Students must have beginning interior design knowledge plus a presentation background. Reference the lesson plan on "Elements and Principles Presentation Board". Students must have knowledge of window treatment options, flooring options, wall treatment options, etc. This project is generally used as a final project for an advanced class.

Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Create a presentation board for one room. 2. Label the board with a simple legend. 3. Use balance to arrange samples. 4. Securely mount samples and visuals. 5. Prepare an oral presentation to make the sale.

Instructional Procedures


After mastering the basics of interior design, students will compile a presentation board. You may follow the attachments and the power point for instruction.

Assessment Plan

Since this project is a comprehensive assignment, it works best to have students evaluate themselves orally. The best time to do this is following their oral presentation of their board. Have the other students give a written or verbal feedback as well. Handout the rubric, for the students to help them critique themselves and others. This is great training for college, when they are required to present all their assignments.


Created: 06/04/2003
Updated: 02/05/2018