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Vegetable Lecture and Experiment

Main Core Tie

Food And Nutrition
Strand 5 Standard 4

Time Frame

1 class periods of 90 minutes each

Group Size

Small Groups




A vegetable experiment and lecture identifying the preparation guidelines to preserve the nutrients, enhance the color, flavor and texture of the vegetables. Information regarding the selection, use and storage of vegetables.



Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens, 1995 ISBN 0-15-292851-0.


Vegetable Home Assignment
Fruit and Vegetable Study Sheet
Fruit and Vegetable Information Study Sheet
Vegetable Experiment Lab and Questions


How to Select Vegetables

Posters on Vegetables if available from Green Giant

Ingredients needed per unit to complete the lab experiment:

1 bunch broccoli
1/2 carrot
1 potato
1/2 zucchini


Show what a strainer is to steam vegetables

Background for Teachers

The teacher needs to have a good understanding about vegetables, how to select and care for them and the preparation guidelines to preserve the nutrients, color, flavor and texture.

Student Prior Knowledge

The student needs to know the importance of vegetables in the diet and how to select and prepare them to preserve the nutrients, color, flavor and texture.

Intended Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to identify the botanical names of vegetables and give an example from each category. Explain the importance of vegetables in the diet and the recommended number of servings one should have each day. Practice the common preparation methods for vegetables to preserve the nutrients, color, flavor and texture. Apply proper storage and care when preparing vegetables.

Instructional Procedures

As an introduction to vegetables, read the book, Tops and Bottoms, by Janet Stevens.

Hand out the Vegetable Home Assignment, Vegetable Study Sheet and Information Sheet.

Home Assignment: Explain and go over the home assignment for vegetables to prepare a vegetable in some form. Identify due date.

Identify the test date for the unit test on Fruits and Vegetables. The study sheet will be filled in during lectures.

Lecture: Take 15 - 20 minutes to go over information on vegetables including: botanical names for vegetables with examples, mild and strong flavored vegetables, nutrient contribution, color of vegetables, market forms of vegetables, principles of cookery, methods of cookery, selection and buying, care and storage.

Lab experiment: The vegetables should be cut and assembled on a supply table prior to class for the students to complete the experiment. Hand out the lab assignment. Read aloud and explain the lab experiment in detail. Vocabulary words to describe the color, flavor and texture.

Each vegetable is cut into five times the number of people in their unit as each person needs to eat and evaluate the vegetable raw, after 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes of cooking. Each unit needs four pans with lids - one for each vegetable. The vegetable will be prepared and cut into pieces and eaten raw.

Then the water in the pan will be brought to a boil. Add the vegetables, return to a boil, then turn the heat down to continue to cook for each of the designated times. There should be no more than 1/2-inch of water in the pan at all times. Water may need to be added so it doesn't boil out causing the vegetables to burn.

After the experiment, the student needs to complete the questions on the next page relating to their lab experience.

Allow enough time for the students to complete the experiment and evaluate, answer the questions and clean-up before leaving. Should the students not complete the questions, you may have them due the start of the following class.

Created: 07/08/2003
Updated: 02/05/2018