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Nutrients In Our Foods

Time Frame

3 class periods of 45 minutes each

Group Size





Students will use the Internet to learn of, and research, information on health and nutrition. Students will study the six essential nutrients.


  • Pencil and paper for each student
  • Internet access
  • Activity Sheets #1, #2 and #3
  • Copy of the Food Pyramid for each student
  • An overhead transparency of the Food Pyramid (optional)
  • Guest speaker from the local Extension Service to teach about nutrients to the class (optional)

Background for Teachers

There are six nutrients our bodies need every day:


Vitamins and minerals are necessary for our bodies to grow, develop and be healthy.

Carbohydrates are the body's most readily available source of energy.

Grains, such as rice, cereal, and breads provide carbohydrates. (Sugar is a simple carbohydrate.)

Grains also provide us with the B Vitamins. They help break down protein and help the body make new cells. The body does not store B vitamins so it is important that we include them in our daily diet.

Fats are a concentrated source of energy. They should be used sparingly.

Proteins help build, maintain and repair the body's tissues and can be supplied by meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts.

Student Prior Knowledge

Students should know what a daily diet is.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will have an understanding of the Food Pyramid, needed nutrients in our diet, and how to access information on health and foods using the Internet.

Instructional Procedures

1. Introduce the Food Pyramid to the class (or invite the local Extension Service to come in and give the lesson).
2. Give the class instruction on the six nutrients our bodies need daily.
3. Hand out Activity Sheet #1 to the students. Go over the sheet for student clarification.
4. This assignment is designed for a computer lab experience. If not available, it can be done at home or at a Public Library.
5. Have a class discussion on the assignment. Pass in the papers for correction.
6. For homework, have the students do Activity Sheet #3. You will want to go over their findings in class the next day. Collect assignment for assessment.

Strategies for Diverse Learners

1. Have students work on the Activity Sheets in pairs or small groups.
2. Ask a staff assistant or parent to help diverse learners.
3. Ask the P.T.A. to have a local grocer donate foods in the pyramid - use Activity Sheet #2 with the lesson.
4. Have advanced learners look up obesity, heart disease, cancer, and stoke. Ask the students to write a report which evaluates the connection of diet to these diseases and includes prevention strategies. Share reports with the class.



1. Teach the 5 A Day program. (see link below)
2. Study the digestive system. (see link below.)
3. Start a P.E. program designed by the students, that will encourage lifelong learning.


1. The Kellogg's Company.
2. American Health Foundation.


Created: 07/20/2002
Updated: 02/05/2018