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Bully Blocker

Time Frame

1 class periods of 45 minutes each

Group Size

Large Groups


Utah LessonPlans


Students will recognize why acceptance of self and others is important for the development of positive attitudes. Students will explore how relationships can contribute to self-worth and demonstrate qualities that help form healthy interpersonal relationships.




  • Two or more balled-up pieces of paper. Wrap masking tape around the paper to hold the shape. A soft ball could also be used.
  • "Block-A-Bully" video (included on the Prevention Dimensions Foundation CD)


  • "Take a Stand" from the CD Take a Stand
  • "The Heat is On" from the CD Be a Builder


  • bully
  • bullying
  • vulnerable
  • bodyguard

Background for Teachers

Lesson at a Glance

1. Block-a-Bully video

2. Bodyguard Game

3. Block-a-Bully Review
4. Block-a-Bully Follow-Up

Home Connection
5. Being a Bodyguard

Instructional Procedures

  1. Block-a-Bully Download

    Show the Block-a-Bully video available to download for free through iTunes. Go to the iTunes store and search for "Utah Electronic High School Block a Bully."

    First pose the statements featured in the video and have students create their own illustrations.
    Some teachers assign this to tables and use the art to create a bulletin board.

    • Bullying is behavior that is intended to cause harm or distress.
    • Behavior that exists in a relationship in which there is an imbalance of power.
    • This behavior may be repeated over time.
    • Bullying can come from a boy or a girl or a group.
    • Bullies can use mean words.
    • Bullies can be physical.
    • Bullying can be leaving someone out.
    • I have a right to be in an environment where I feel safe.
    • I have a responsibility to treat others with kindness.
    • Violence is intent, by words, looks, signs, or acts, to hurt someone else's body, feelings, or possessions.
    • What is one thing you learned about bullies that you didn't know before?
    • What are some things that cause distress or injury in the classroom and/ or on the playground?
      throwing spit wads; laughing at a person because he/she couldn't hit the ball; stealing a pencil; laughing at someone's grade; writing a name on the restroom wall; picking on a vulnerable student; kicking a vending machine; leaving garbage on the playground; bullying; teasing
    • What questions do you have about bullying?

  2. Bodyguard

    With one soft ball or balled-up piece of paper, play the game "Bodyguard."

    • Form circles of 10--15 students.
    • Two students stand in the middle of the circle.
    • One is labeled "B." The other is labeled "V." "B" is designated the protector or bodyguard of "V" or "victim."
    • The students in the circle throw one soft ball or balled up piece of paper and attempt to hit the student being guarded.
    • Only hits below the elbow count.
    • "B" attempts to protect "V" from all contact with the ball.
    • The person who throws the ball and hits "V" becomes the new "V" and old "V" becomes the new bodyguard. The "B" person joins the circle.
    • Play until all members of the circle have had a chance to be in the middle.
    • During the game, what did you learn about the traits of a bodyguard?.
    • How is a bodyguard like the mediator who helps us take care of our rocks?
    • What makes an effective bodyguard?
    • How did the bodyguard protect the special person?
    • What was it like being a bodyguard?
    • What was it like being a special person?
    • What did the bodyguard give up to offer protection?
    • How did the special person assist in his/her own protection?
    • Whom do we protect?
    • Why do people try to pick on or bully others?
    • What do we protect?
    • How do we become bodyguards for ourselves? Others? The environment?
    • How would it be easier if there were more than one bodyguard?
    • How can we work together to protect each other?
    • How do the 3 Cs tie into this discussion?

      Discussion: Another word for bodyguard is "ally." An ally is:

      • someone who sticks up for you.
      • takes a stand against bullying.
      • helps you when you need it most.
    • What will you do the next time you see someone who needs a bodyguard or ally?
    • What will you do with your fear?
    • How will we all work together to protect ourselves, each other, and the environment?

  3. Block-a-Bully Review

    Watch the Block-a-Bully video again.

    • Have each student draw himself or herself into the given situation as a bodyguard.
    • This can be done in students' individual drawings or as a whole-class activity.
    • Encourage the students to use captions or thought bubbles in their drawings that explain their role as a bodyguard.
    • Make a bulletin board of the artwork.

  4. Block-a-Bully Follow-Up
    • Have students report how they have been a bodyguard or how they have been protected.
    • Recognize students throughout the year who have acted as bodyguards to themselves, others, or the environment.

  5. Being a Bodyguard
    • Make a copy of the Home Connection for each student.
    • Take a short amount of class time to explain the home assignment.
    • Send the Home Connection paper home with each student and instruct students to share the information with their families.


This lesson is part of the Utah State Board of Education Prevention Dimensions program.

Created: 01/26/2017
Updated: 02/05/2018