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February 19, 2004
One concern that I have is that they will use the one-time money on ongoing programs. And that's what I've been talking about structural balance, and that's a red flag.
January 29, 2004
I'm very concerned about the privacy, and we worked hard when the GRAMA laws came out to make certain that when information was given, that the people were aware of it.
December 18, 2003
And it was $28 million. Up $28 million. And that was the first ray of sunshine that we've had. In fact I thought it was Christmas.
November 13, 2003
But we're always concerned that we look seriously on both sides of an issue, and had I been there, and in retrospect, we would have talked to the county officials, and the AG.
October 27, 2003 (---last Leavitt transcript---)
I am not prepared to support the importation of waste that is any hotter, that is to say any more radioactive than what we are currently taking. There's some disagreement as to whether or not the waste that is the subject of this...
September 25, 2003
It's been like landing an airplane on an aircraft carrier. A very delicate operation to make certain on a budget that is well over seven and a half billion dollars, to land with a balanced budget.
August 28, 2003
Out of respect for the Senate and their process it's appropriate that I not respond to questions related to Environmental Protection Agency, my nomination, or my thoughts about the future.
July 30, 2003
I believe in time that those athletes will meet on different fields. They'll meet on the fields of economics and culture and art. Their relationships will grow and develop and some decade from now a business deal will happen and...
May 2003
I believe it's going to boil down to a basic policy question. Do we continue to protect the quality of our education system and provide for crime prevention and the safety of our community, or, on the alternative, do we continue...