Big 6 Resources

2. Information Seeking Strategies

Determine the range of possible sources (brainstorm)
This means that you need to make a list of all the possible sources of information that will help you answer the questions you wrote in Task Definition. Consider library books, encyclopedias, and web sites to which your library subscribes (ask your librarian!), people who are experts in your subject, observation of your subject, free web sites and survey.

Evaluate the different possible sources to determine priorities (select the best sources)
Now, look carefully at your list. Which ones are actually available to you and are easy for you to use? Circle these. If there are some that you need help using, ask your teacher, librarian, mom or dad.

by: Barbara A. Jansen -

Information Seeking Strategies Lesson Plan

  • Research Building Blocks: Hints about Print (Grades 3-6)
    Students examine abstracts on selected books to determine their relevance and helpfulness.

  • Research Building Blocks: Examining Electronic Sources (Grades 3-6)
    Help students examine and rate the relevance of electronic sources.

  • Listen, Look, and Learn: An Information-Gathering Process (Grades K-2)
    This activity can help students develop strategies for extracting and evaluating information in all formats and in all content areas of the curriculum.

  • Adventures in Nonfiction: A Guided Inquiry Journey (Grades K-2)
    Students are guided through an informal exploration of nonfiction texts and child-oriented Web sites, learning browsing and skimming techniques for the purpose of gathering interesting information. They share learned facts with others, develop follow-up questions, and seek answers using Internet search engines in addition to print resources.

  • Reading for Information: The Trash-N-Treasure Method of Teaching Note-Taking (Grades 3 - 12)
    • Identification of Keyword and Related Words in the Researchable Questions
    • Skimming and Scanning for Specific Information
    • Extracting Needed Information
    • The Trash-N-Treasure Note-taking Technique
  • SearchQuest: A WebQuest about Search Tools
    A teacher guide and cooperative learning lesson plan for teaching search strategies.

  • Big6: How to Teach Information Seeking Skills with Big6 "TurboPlanner" (Grades 7 - 12)
    • Determine all possible sources.
    • What sources of information are available?
    • Should I use print, non-print, or both kinds of sources?
    • Am I overlooking any sources such as interesting people, movies, or museums?
    • Did I use the online library catalog to identify possible sources?

Graphic Organizer for Information Seeking Strategies
  • Clustering: Use to generate ideas about possible sources of information.

Online Resources

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