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Electronic Portfolios for Students

Time Frame

3 class periods of 70 minutes each

Group Size

Large Groups

Life Skills

  • Thinking & Reasoning
  • Communication


John Bryner


This lesson plan provides the context, materials and some content for the UEN Professional Development class on e-portfolios. The class is 7 hours.



Dr. Helen Barrett's website has most of the background information necessary.

PowerPoint for class lecture component is included.

Other materials include a computer lab with an instructor computer, Internet connection and projector.

Background for Teachers


Review the following websites:

Student Prior Knowledge

Participants should have units they currently teach which involve projects or other lessons for which a portfolio would be a recommended assessment alternative.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Participants will understand:

  • The purposes for, and different types of, portfolios.
  • Examples of, and uses for, different items that might be included in a student portfolio.
  • Components of a portfolio designed to assess student learning that results from a project.
  • How to collect and save artifacts for the portfolio.
  • How to create an electronic portfolio with different document formats such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat PDF, Microsoft Excel, Web pages, etc.

Instructional Procedures

Class Agenda

  1. Introductions and class overview
  2. Definitions of portfolio
  3. Using an electronic portfolio
  4. Components of a portfolio
  5. Files to include in a portfolio
  6. Portfolio purpose(s)
  7. Using rubrics for assessment of certain types of portfolios
  8. Draft a rubric to assess a sample portfolio (videotape of student reading aloud)
  9. Examples of electronic portfolios
  10. Privacy/security issues
  11. Making portfolios work for you
    • Clarifying your reasoning
    • How to implement the assignment
  12. Building a portfolio
  13. Review class assignment
  14. PowerPoint basics
  15. Discuss linking, storing and moving files
  16. Work on your own assignment

Strategies for Diverse Learners

Assess prior knowledge participants bring to the class.
Consider adaptation of e-portfolio concepts required for application in different grade levels and subject areas.
Implement the agenda using individual, small group and whole group activities.
Include discussion, demonstration, lecture and hands-on practice activities.
Use PowerPoint, printed handouts, and Internet media.
Incorporate logical reasoning, visual displays and physical movement throughout the day.




Participants complete the assignment required by UEN to receive SUU or Technology Integration Academy credit for the class.


Identify a classroom unit or project that your students will complete during the school year. Incorporate portfolio assessment into the unit or project. Using the strategies presented in class, develop an assignment that uses students' portfolios to assess their understanding of the unit content. Provide directions and additional explanatory text so that another teacher could duplicate this example. Also, include sample artifacts and reflections similar to what one of your students might submit. (Create and describe the portfolio assignment, then complete the assignment as you expect your students to do it.)

OR, complete the assignment as described above when developing the unit plan and portfolio assignment (include directions and additional explanatory text for teachers). Then, instead of creating a sample of what a student might do yourself, implement the unit in class with your students and submit copies of actual student work -- three samples, one representing each of a high, medium or low achievement from the pool of student work.

Use the UEN online Lesson Plan creation tool to explain your unit, upload assignment directions, and include (under the assessment tab), portfolio details.


Created: 10/30/2003
Updated: 02/04/2018