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Creative Spark 2024 Video Contest

July 9, 2024
Lights, camera, action! It's time to show off the learning happening in your classroom with the NextVisa Video Contest. Don't miss out! Submissions are due in December.
UOSL Update: Explore the New Resources

July 2, 2024
New learning adventures await with Utah's Online School Library’s access to Sora, SIRS Discover and more! Check out the latest additions.
2024 UETN Tech Summit

June 25, 2024
On June 19–20, UETN hosted its annual Tech Summit, a gathering of information technology professionals. The conference, attended by more than 400 people, had three keynote speakers, more than 60 presentations and more than...
Finance in the Classroom

June 25, 2024
A comprehensive suite of resources designed to help bring financial literacy to life in the classroom including lesson plans that support the Utah General Financial Literacy strands and standards.
Love, Your Mind

June 4, 2024
"Love, Your Mind" – a national campaign promoting open dialogue and proactive approaches to mental health, provides free online resources and will air mental health awareness PSAs. These PSAs will be featured on UEN-TV, so...
Nearpod Summer PD Playlist

June 4, 2024
Join the Utah Nearpod Community's summer PD fun! Take courses, attend webinars, or share resources. Past Nearpod PD counts too! Earn points for a chance to win prizes
Teacher Tip: Using and Creating Podcasts in the Classroom

June 4, 2024
In today’s digital age, integrating modern tools like podcasts into the classroom can significantly enhance the learning experience. 
PDTV: Attending Your First Professional Conference

May 30, 2024
In this episode of UEN's PDTV, preservice teachers Aniston and Mallory reflect on their first professional conference at the Utah Coalition for Educational Technology (UCET) annual event.
Teacher Tip: Making Technology-Aided Music with Your Students

May 21, 2024
Don't miss a beat - learn about 3 readily available tools making it easier for teachers to incorporate music into lessons!
Nominate someone for the Utah Tech Leaders Network

May 21, 2024
UTTLN seeks educators for its year-long program in edtech leadership and development. Learn more and nominate someone (self-nominations welcome)!
Champions of Change

May 21, 2024
In this Art Connection video, we meet Maya Mercer, member of Girl Scout Troop 914 to tell the story of how her troop lobbied the legislature to help send Martha Hughes Cannon's statue to Washington, DC.
Students in Focus: Finding Your Passion

May 14, 2024
This Students In Focus Season One Finale features a student spotlight on Gabi Cuascut, a rising producer from Utah Valley University, and expert insights from filmmaker Nic Edwards, a skilled 1st Assistant Camera and camera...
PDTV: Discovering a Treasure Trove of Resources with eMedia

May 9, 2024
In this episode of UEN's PDTV, we explore strategies to discover high-quality digital resources aligned with Utah Core Standards beyond basic Google searches and expensive educational websites. 
Teacher Tip: End-of-Year Celebrations and Activities

May 7, 2024
End-of-year school activities are a time for celebration, reflection on accomplishments and fun! However, it can be challenging to coordinate and schedule these activities amidst end-of-year testing, college prep, sports and...
May is AAPI Month

May 7, 2024
Happy Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month! Engage in cultural learning and celebrate diversity with a collection of educational resources for you and your students.