UEN Teacher Toolbox

Learn about AI in the classroom.
A collection of resources designed as a starting point for teachers looking to expand their AI literacy using AI in the classroom.

Download digital resources.
eMedia has over 16,000 digital resources, including instructional videos, audio and image files, as well as electronic textbooks.

Watch and learn on demand.
On demand, YouTube hosted, streaming professional development for teachers in the state of Utah.

Listen hands free anytime, anywhere.
The UEN Homeroom Podcast tells the stories of educators in Utah and talks about the issues impacting education in this state and beyond.

Access reliable reference collections. Utah's one-of-a-kind online School Library provides educators and students free access to high quality reference collections such as EBSCO, Gale Reference Collection, World Book and Preschool Path. Check out the classroom activity ideas.

Focus on the essentials.
UEN maintains a database of all of the Utah core courses. You can find web resources and lesson plans that support specific standards and objectives.

Explore 100s of lesson plans.
All of the lesson plans in UEN's collection have been written by educators, support the Utah standards and are reviewed and approved by USBE Specialists.

Earn credit or relicensure points.
UEN offers free online and in-person courses to help you keep up your skills and earn credit and licensure points.

Find classroom materials.
Find the UEN resources you need by subject area with this easy-to-use portal. Highlights incude Elementary Social Studies activities, Argumentative Writing resources and Open Educational Resources.

Create teaching activities.
Use UEN's free online tools to help you in the classroom: Lesson Plan Tool, Rubric Tool, my.uen and UEN's Curriculum Search.

Check your teaching credentials.
CACTUS is an online interface that allows Utah licensed educators to review their credential information.

Help prevent youth suicide.
Utah Code requires that licensed educators must include suicide prevention training as part of their license renewal activities.

Make teaching easier.
The Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) is available to all public K-12 Districts and Charter Schools.

Stay in the know.
Subscribe to one or many of UEN's mailing lists to learn about new opportunities, educational resources and upcoming events.

Engage students.
Students of all ages love UEN's collection of online games and interactives because they are fun. Educators love them because they support their teaching.

Learn to stay safe online.
NetSafeUtah.org offers videos and Internet safety resources for kids, teens, parents and educators.