Students In Focus


Latest Episode

A Look Behind the Lens
Premiered: Feburary 8, 2025

Join host Katie Neal for another exciting episode of Students in Focus! This week, we spotlight the talented Film Apprentices from Spy Hop Productions and their incredible work with the Wake the Great Salt Lake project. We also hear valuable industry insights from Jenna Rasmussen, Production Supervisor at Walt Disney Animation Studios.



Events & Opportunities Bulletin Board

SLCC F.I.N.E Club's Women in Film Galentines Fundraiser
February 13, 2025
Women in Film presentation and panel discussion with industry professionals. Learn how you can make a difference. 50% of proceeds go to Rise Culinary Institute*. Rise is a free culinary school for immigrant and refugee women. Rise is making a difference in the Salt Lake valley and so can you!

Utah Documentary Association Work-in-Progress Screening
February 13, 2025
Join us for our February 13, 2025 Work-in-Progress screening of Outstretched Hands, directed by Jared Jones. Outstretched Hands (Working Title) is a story about two seemingly very different groups coming together and developing a strong connection. Despite cultural, religious and other differences, a group of American soldiers and this remote village in Afghanistan formed a kinship that transcended the apparent divide.

February 21-22, 2025
StoryCon is the ultimate experience for writers, educators, screenwriters, gamers, and creatives of all ages, combining the fun of a national book festival with the education and guidance of a serious writing conference.

Black, Bold & Brilliant Film Screenings
February-March, 2025
The Black, Bold & Brilliant (BBB) series focuses on authentic and nuanced representation through film critique and discussions led by Black Utahns. Black, Bold & Brilliant is back with another season of films that will cinematically uplift, empower, and expand your horizons.

Through the Lens Film Screenings
Febuary - April 2025
Through the Lens is the flagship film program of Utah Film Center. Since launching in 2011, in partnership with KUER 90.1’s RadioWest, the series has presented film screenings and in-depth post-film discussions featuring fascinating documentaries, spectacular narratives, and special film events. This spring, Through the Lens examines the human experience through three unique perspectives.

Tumbleweeds Film Fesival Submissions
Deadline: Saturday, March 1, 2025
Submissions are now open! Utah students K-8 can submit short (5 minutes or less) films to be considered for awards at the 2025 Tumbleweeds Film Festival for Kids.

Leicester Productions Student Fellowship Program
Always accepting applications
One of our foremost objectives is to empower local students. These student fellows have the chance to collaborate with our program managers in creating a short documentary that highlights a local story.

Movie Mondays at Foothill
Every Monday at 4 to 6pm
Afternoon flicks at Foothill! We'll screen recent and classic movies on the 3rd Monday of select months, from 4–6pm. One small bag of popcorn and a bottle of water will be provided for each attendee.

Idea Colab
Every Wednesday at 1 to 3pm
Expand your Adobe Express and podcasting/video creation and editing skill sets with demos from Digital Learning Technologies (DLT) staff. Join us for an “idea colab” workshop at the Faculty Center in the J. Willard Marriott Library, and unleash your potential at the intersection of innovation and imagination.

Open Studio
Every Friday 3 to 7pm
Ages 13-19 - Spy Hop’s longest running walk-in music workshop! It’s literally an open studio full of musical gear for you to use! If you love to write songs or you’re just beginning the process, Open Studio is for you!

12 Minutes Max
3rd Sunday Each Month
Local artists perform or present short works in a variety of media, including music, dance, film, and spoken word. Held the third Sunday of each month.

Utah Film Film Job Opportunities
Want to work in the Utah Film Industry? Find out what productions are hiring local crew and extras, as well as local businesses looking for talented employees with film-related skills.